News: Making a Low Cost wall.e Robot

News: Making a Low Cost wall.e Robot

make robots WALL.E with low cost. using materials from scrap Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
WALL.E robot is made from recycled materials, to the whole body using water pipe tubes are cut and flattened using a hot flame. and use that in the former the motor gearbox modifications to achieve the required torque to drive the robot.

I used it in a rural area, checked for other freqs with my frequency spectrum analyzer to make sure I didn't "step" on anyone or get in trouble. I would love to be able to patent it and have a legal way to build and test it, but like many other inventions of mine, it will go in my bunker on the shelves to be covered with dust.
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Test your logic and your intelligence with these varied tests, similar to those to calculate an IQ (Intelligence quotient) with logical sequences of : - Numbers - Letters - Dominos - Figures - Etc. Training mode : There are 10 questions by test. For every question, you have 60 seconds to answer. If a test is interrupted, it can be continued

My Samsung Galaxy s8 has 32gb of Internal memory. How did you get 52gb of internal storage or is that a mis key ? The phone itself will tell you what is taking up its internal storage and offers ways of cleaning it. Settings > Device Maintenance > Storage. Your phone allows the movement of certain apps from internal storage to Sd card.
How to move apps to SD card on Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8

In this tutorial, we learn how to use radiation detection equipment. To use the dosimeter, you will remove the cap, then place the pipe on and push down on it. A light will come on, and you can use the knob to zero it.
Mod a flashlight into an IR night vision light « Hacks, Mods

How To: Have a Bomberman Itch You Need to Scratch? Try This Soft-Launched Game on Your iPhone News: The Google Play Store Has a New Way to Discover Great Apps—If You Can Find It Have You Seen This?: This Battle Royale Is the Best Tech Demo for the HoloLens Yet, but Should Be More
Har en Bomberman kliar du behöver skrapa? Prova detta

We are back with a fresh tutorial for your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge smartphone. There is a new Volume mode that we want you to know about as long as it can significantly increase the volume levels of your handset's speaker, headphone and Bluetooth. There is no mystery that the manufacturers usually
Boost Headphone Volume on Your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge [How-To

Once you have set up everything perfectly, copy your text, photo, or video on one device and paste them on your other device. To paste the content, either use Ctrl+V shortcut or just right click and select Paste. On your iOS device, just double tap to reveal Paste button and then tap on it.
The Scoop on How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone - Lifewire

Don't you just hate it when you try to go on a website while you're at work—and find out your boss has blocked it? Here's how to thwart The Man. With these tips, you'll be able to check your facebook or myspace at work (or whatever sites your employer may be blocked).
How to Get on a Site That's Been Blocked by Your Employer

Link to official Smart Drawer site. Official Website. Features No features added Add a feature. Tags. app-organizer. Smart Drawer was added by Ugotsta in Apr 2017 and the latest update was made in Apr 2017. The list of alternatives was updated Apr 2018 There is a history of all activites on Smart Drawer in our Activity Log.
Android Launchers comparison: What is the best option for you

The Google Maps Android API allows you to include maps and customized mapping information in your app. Key developer features Add maps to your app. With Google Maps Android API v2, you can embed maps into an activity as a fragment with a simple XML snippet.
Find Your Location History in Google Maps or iPhone

Now you have learnt how to install flash player on Nexus 5 by using two browsers. This adobe flash player installed on your LG Nexus 5 doesn't guarantee full compatibility with all websites running flash content. But it will work with most websites. Other Browsers To Try
How to Install Flash Player on Any Android KitKat Phone


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